I now draw from the abundance of the spheres my immediate and endless supply. All Channels are free! All Doors are open!
I now release the gold-mine within me. I am linked with an endless golden stream of prosperity which comes to me under grace in perfect ways.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of abundance forever.
My God is a God of plenty and I now receive all that I desire or require, and more.
All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways.
My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways.
All channels are free and all doors fly open for my immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply.
I give thanks that the millions which are mine by Divine Right, now pour in and pile up under grace in perfect ways.
Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free, and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out upon me, under grace in perfect ways.
I spend money under direct inspiration wisely and fearlessly, knowing my supply is endless and immediate.
I am fearless in letting money go out, knowing God is my immediate and endless supply.
My ships come in over a calm sea, under grace in perfect ways.